Amplified simplicity

The gifted singer-songwriter Thomas Dybdahl showed up with his guitar and harmonica at a record store in the Oslo City shopping centre this afternoon, to play a few songs and promote his new album, the third in his “October Trilogy”. A crowd of mostly young people turned up, many of them around 20. I counted many digital cameras and camera-equipped mobiles. No doubt some images were promptly sent to friends, some might be uploaded to web pages. This immediate activity of the audience recording and producing images, didn’t disturb. It felt like a natural part of this quintessential live artist performance. The photo bans at commercially bigger artists’ shows suddenly seemed archaic. Maybe someone also recorded the sound. Fine. This is the way now. We still seek the authentic simplicity of the live act. Then we co-produce and amplify the experience. Thomas understands this and did his part. The shop was an extraordinary place for 20 minutes.