Ever since the web’s breakthrough in 1994-95, there have been attempts at constructing more logical and “correct” Norwegian translations of key internet terms. The web literally means “veven”, so the world wide web must be “verdensveven”. E-mail is easy – “e-brev” or “e-post”. But in real usage, not all these caught on. Some enthusiasts still insist on “verdensveven” – a nice word, any way you look at it – but most of us just say “webben” or (less precisely) “nettet”. “E-post” has had more success, but the verb to e-mail is definitely “å maile”. When the weblog came along, the Norwegian Language Council bravely, and again correctly, suggested “vevlogg”. But the stubborn people just added a g to make it “weblogg”. To blog is “å blogge” and blogging is “blogging”. By accident, maybe, this is close to “bløgging”, which at first sight is something completely different: cutting the throat of a fish immediately after landing it, to drain the blood out of it. Blogging sometimes reminds me of fishing, and some bloggers definitely like to bløgg everything they catch.