Invisible logic

Scientific publishing is a side-topic on this blog. It’s fun to harass scientists who insist on keeping their knowledge invisible and block access wherever they can. Now some more proof: In a project at Sweden’s Lund University the librarians sent emails to 377 scientists about self-archiving of their articles. 269 did not even respond! Dry comment from librarian Jörgen Eriksson:

Since the authors only had to reply to an e-mail to get an article self-archived this only emphasises the general lack of awareness of and incentives to self-archiving at Lund University and, it seems, most other universities.

Related: A new report from the OECD concludes:

Governments should increase access to findings from publicly funded research to maximise social returns on public investments.

Let’s see how long it takes for the first scientist/researcher to label this another “neoliberal” OECD initiative.