30.000 and counting

At Mandag Morgen we published a story today claiming that there are now at least 30.000 Norwegian blogs (sub. req. for full story). We arrived at the number through a combination of population survey, numbers received from Norwegian blog hosting services and a qualified estimate (Blogger and Typepad do not give out their number of registered blogs). We also researched the broader concept of personal publishing, including blogging, updating of private websites, uploading of photos etc, updating of dating profiles. Here the population survey resulted in the quite high number of one in three Norwegians engaging in one or more of these activities weekly.

Dagbladet did a piece about our story today.

Related – an interesting new initiative is Norske blogger, a collection of links to Norwegian blogs, built around tagging.

One thought on “30.000 and counting

  1. I have to say your story – and your MandagMorgen breakfast meeting – was most insightful! Great!! Lots of luck in your work for personal expression – and personal publishing!

    Jørn L-M :)

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