I have in vain been looking for a reliable website tracking relevant forthcoming media, journalism, blogging conferences and seminars in Europe, preferably those held in a Scandinavian language, English or German. Haven’t found one yet. So here’s what I’ve uncovered so far:
- Nov. 10-11, Madrid: Beyond the Printed Word
- Nov. 12, Hamburg: jonet-Tag 2005
- Nov. 15, Oslo: Media i søkelyset (scroll down to find it)
- Nov. 19, Stockholm: Bloggforum 3
- Nov. 29-Dec. 1, London: Online Information 2005
- Dec. 5-6, Paris: Les Blogs
- Feb. 10-12, 2006, Hell, Norway: Hell-konferansen
- May 10-13, 2006, Bergen: Nordiske mediedager
I’m sure there must be more. Tips welcome. (I’ll need a wiki or calendar tool or something to do this properly. Let’s see).
November 19th, Stockholm: Bloggforum 3
Thanks, Raymond. Looks interesting, I’ve added it to the list.