The best Norwegian blogs

Dagbladet has launched “Gullbloggen” (The Golden Blog), a competition for the honour of being called “Norway’s best blog” in different categories. An overall winner will also be chosen. I was invited to sit in the panel together with jilltxt and Dagbladet’s Bente Kalsnes. Our job is to make a shortlist from the readers’ nominees, then the readers will elect the winners. The panel will also choose the overall winner.

The start looks good – the competition announcement has been read over 10.000 times already, according to Dagbladet’s public statistics. And nominations keep pouring in.

7 thoughts on “The best Norwegian blogs

  1. Bäst i Norge

    Norska tidningen Dagbladet delar ut pris till bästa norska bloggar i ett antal kategorier (Nyheter/politik, Teknologi, Under 20år och Öppen…

  2. Are english written blogs allowed? Jeg er norsk altså, men det er så mye lettere å uttrykke seg på engelsk + at du kan publishe for hele verden.

    Fikk forresten Robert Scoble til å ta en kikk på min dag!

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