What did I say?

There are now virtually endless possibilities to engage in debates – on blogs, on news websites, in forums. But if you are a prolific contributor to the big conversation, as you are told you should be, how do you keep track of what you said and what others replied? A web debate can develop over a long period of time. Some debates are so hectic that your comment is difficult to relocate even after a short while.

Enter tools like coComment, which aims to solve the problem. And it looks good – at first. You can collect “your” conversations on a single page, keep track of new comments via a feed, and include all your debating efforts on your own blog etc. The problem for me is that coComment doesn’t work with all publishing systems, for example MovableType, although it supposedly should. And then there’s the news website debates, which run on other systems. Still, it’s a great idea and I really hope it will work out.