iNorden was launched today, a multi-language pan-Nordic citizen journalism/blogger site (the founders are Norwegian, most or all of them with lots of blogging/writing experience). There will be articles in each of the Nordic languages and in English. An exciting initiative to follow. But why so modest — according to the about page, iNorden is “non-profit initiative,” “not motivated by future prospects of profitability”. Why not? If the project is successful, the editors would want to expand further, and if that means selling ads and/or getting investors on board, there’s nothing inherently wrong with that.
Thanks a million for your kind words. Speaking of words, please forgive the obvious “typo” quoted in your brief review. Clearly, “profitability” should read “profit”.
As for modesty and the lack of commercial ambitions, we’re not talking reluctance towards the idea as such. It’s more a matter of what’s feasible in our neck of the woods.
If was privately held, I’m afraid the public (and bloggers, on whom we very much depend, in particular) would keep their distance. It’s been known to happen before.
After all, this is Scandinavia.