Russland-kritikk oversettes

Interessant at Norge ved Gyldendal er på listen over land som skal oversette Economist-journalist Edward Lucas’ bok The New Cold War. Lucas er veldig kritisk til Putin-regimet og dømmer det langt hardere enn noe vi er vant til fra norske journalister og forskere. Særlig relevant for oss, gitt det intense norske ønsket om olje- og gass-samarbeid i nord:

Our biggest weakness is money. During the old Cold War, doing business with the Soviet Union was a rare and highly suspicious activity. Now bankers, lawyers, consultants and spin-doctors (and even, it is whispered, politicians) flock to take 30 silver roubles for services rendered, even when they are privately disgusted by the source. Until that changes, we have little chance of resisting the Kremlin – and even less of persuading ordinary Russians that their corrupt, cynical, brutal and incompetent rulers are harbingers of disaster, not triumph.

Her er en anmeldelse fra dagens Sunday Times.