The forgotten editors’ blog

Kristine Løwe revisits the editors’ blog that she organized for the Norwegian Editors Associations conference a year ago. That was fun and an interesting experience. But as she says, that blog was quickly abandoned and forgotten. Today I found myself at this year’s editors conference, and no one mentioned that blog. But in a session where the editors should come up with ideas on how to increase their openness, editor-blogging was brought up once more. Terje Angelshaug, reader ombudsman at Bergens Tidende and the only one in Norway with this job, proposed blogging or a regular webpage where editors meet readers and explain editorial choices and policy. After group discussions, there were differing views on this idea. One group’s conclusion was that with the busy schedule of chief editors there’s just not enough time to blog regularly. And they also feared that such a blog would be boring (a quite astonishing remark from people who are supposed to be responsible for producing engaging journalism, in my opinion!). But another group was more positive; here an editors’ blog or a perpetual chat session with readers was recommended. Well, we’ll see, then. For the time being, Pål Hivand’s toon comment says it all. The blog was finished last year, right??

UPDATE May 8. There’s a discussion about this topic on Eirik Newth’s blog (in Norwegian).

One thought on “The forgotten editors’ blog

  1. Thanks for the post, and for your contribution to the editor’s blog last year. It’s a funny kind of situation, cause I’ve heard lots of positive feedback and several editors saying it changed their perception of blogging – and yet it was abandoned. I think Hivand’s toon is spot on, but the worrying thing is that I also think only bloggers can understand it. To an old media mindset it can make perfect sense ( like in: yes it was cool, but it was just there and then ).

    So sorry I missed you today. I’m here to work and had to run for deadline, but perhaps we can have a chat tomorrow or Friday?

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