
Apropos TV 2s kontekstfrie (ingen redaksjonell introduksjon!) visning av 11. september-konspirasjonsfilmen “Loose Change” i forrige uke — her er noen fornuftige ord fra Frank Furedi i nettmagasinet spiked:

These days, virtually every aspect of public life is contested, challenged, doubted: there is little agreement on what are the causes of our current predicament. We might refer to this as a ‘crisis of causality’, and it is a crisis which continually calls into question any official version of events. Of course, officialdom’s account of event often needs to be questioned, but not by putting forward a simplistic, conspiratorial worldview that blames small cliques of evil people for everything that goes wrong in the world. The crisis of causality means many people believe that major events are shaped and determined by a hidden agenda. (…) In previous times, such conspiracism mainly informed the thinking of right-wing populist movements, which always saw the hand of Jewish, Masonic or Communist conspiracies behind major world events. Today, conspiracy theory has gone mainstream, and many of the most vociferous proponents of the conspiracy theory are radical protesters and thinkers on the cultural left.