Netzeitung has changed the logo and the navigation. Isn’t it very …narrow? What about using more width or move towards a magazine style with photography and multimedia at the centre? Well, it’s hard to see any basic change to the … Continue reading →
Netzeitung is underway with a Readers Edition (pre-registration opened), a citizen journalism project. The German web community has started discussing the initiative. And the guy in charge has presented it to students.
My name is Olav A. Øvrebø (Oevreboe). Freelance journalist specializing in energy and climate and media and communication issues. Editor of news website Energi og Klima. Previously I have worked at Mandag Morgen, Netzeitung, Nettavisen and NTB. Education in Media … Continue reading →
Jeg er frilansjournalist med energi og klima og medier og kommunikasjon som spesialfelt. Jeg er redaktør i nettavisen Energi og Klima. Tidligere har jeg arbeidet i bl.a. Mandag Morgen, Netzeitung, Nettavisen og NTB. Jeg er utdannet medieviter fra Universitetet i … Continue reading →
Das Altpapier survives Netzeitung — who would have thought that? Today, punctual as ever with the commented overview of the media coverage of Netzeitung’s end. And with a logical conclusion: Vielleicht musste die Netzeitung zu oft mitwandern, war zu oft … Continue reading →
I registered the domain name on October 5, 1999. So although the website wasn’t launched before a year later (soft launch in September for the Olympics, official launch November 8), in a way you can say that Germany’s first … Continue reading →
The Altpapier column has been resurrected, so the hopeful rumours turned out to be true. The new host is the news site, based on the concept behind a Dutch site, According to the Tagesspiegel, has been successful … Continue reading →
As I remember it, Thomas Schuler had the idea. The new media column of the Netzeitung would be called Altpapier (“old”, i.e. recycled paper). Eight years and six weeks ago, the first daily commented overview of the German media pages … Continue reading →
Robin Meyer-Lucht says it in Freitag: Das Internet ist die über weite Teile klar überlegene Technologie zur Verbreitung journalistischer Inhalte und zur Herausbildung einer deliberativen Öffentlichkeit. Als zugangsoffener, universaler, vernetzter und kostengünstiger Medienträger vermag es Diskurse und Positionen viel besser … Continue reading →
Germany’s politicians are proceeding with their drawn-out murder on public service broadcasting, cheered on by newspaper publishers. German public service companies ARD and ZDF can only offer online material that is directly related to a broadcast. Brits and Germans live … Continue reading →