Users trying to reach this blog during the past week have been met by a password popup. Essential software upgrades had been postponed for too long, and there was no other choice — the website had to be hospitalized. In fact, the situation was so serious that the decision was taken to migrate from MT to WordPress. All 884 Undercurrent blog posts have survived the journey. Importantly, as far as I can tell, the RSS feeds still work. Probably RSS subscribers have received a batch of old entries — apologize for that! Please tell me if you find links or other things that don’t work as they should.
Category Archives: About Undercurrent
Meta: Comments
If you comment on entries on this blog – and I welcome that very much – you will from now on see a new feature: Before you post your comment, you have to type a word in a field below, a so-called captcha phrase. The point is to exclude all automated spam. If this works, it will no longer be necessary for me to moderate all comments to avoid spam slipping through. The debate will benefit when legitimate comments can be published immediately.
Please let me know if you experience problems when posting comments.
(For MovableType users: I have installed the plugin Comment Challenge to accomplish this.)
Spring renovation
Sharp-sighted users of Undercurrent will have noticed some changes in recent days. Since I have begun writing some posts in Norwegian, you can now choose to see only entries written in English on one page, if you wish, or only entries in Norwegian. If you use a feed reader, you can subscribe to the corresponding feeds:
The old all entries feed is of course still in operation.
I use a lot and the latest interesting links I’ve found is presented in the blog sidebar. But if you want to RSS-subscribe to these as well, there’s a Undercurrent feed.
All the feeds and the navigation to the language-specific pages are also featured in the sidebar.
Hopefully this makes the blog more useful.
I’m experimenting with posts in Norwegian, in different genres and also with topics outside of the usual media and journalism field. It’s too limiting with English only, because some issues that I would like to write about are only of interest to Norwegians or Scandinavians. The experiment might evolve into a second blog in Norwegian only, but we’ll see.
New features: Global Voices,
I have added two new features in the right hand menu: A feed from Global Voices displaying the last five posts on freedom of speech. Check out if you want to do the same – Global Voices has a wide selection of feeds taken from their enormous output.
Second feature: My links. is addictive, now I don’t know how I managed without it.
Under medienes overflate: Rapport og kronikk
De siste månedene har jeg forsøkt å gå dypere inn i problemstillinger knyttet til blogging og journalistikk. Rammen har vært et forskningsprosjekt støttet av Rådet for anvendt medieforskning. Mange av innleggene her på bloggen har vært notater til dette prosjektet. Nå har jeg skrevet ferdig rapporten fra dette arbeidet, og presenterer noen av konklusjonene i en kronikk i Aftenposten i dag.
De som er interessert i å fordype seg mer i materialet, oppfordres til å ta en titt på hele rapporten.
Dersom du heller foretrekker pdf-versjon, kan den lastes ned her (482 kB).
Om arbeidsprosessen: Jeg hadde visse ambisjoner om å gjøre i hvert fall deler av prosjektet wikibasert, men der feilberegnet jeg tiden. Siden jeg hadde en deadline å forholde meg til, måtte rapporten gjøres ferdig på mer tradisjonelt vis. Men jeg tar svært gjerne imot kommentarer og innspill, som jeg kan bruke i en ny versjon av rapporten eller i videre arbeid med disse temaene.
[Explanation to non-Scandinavian readers: This post refers to my previously announced research project about blogging and journalism, where the project report is now available. So far only in Norwegian, but I’ll try to translate parts of it later.]
Daily Undercurrent
…from now on. At least that’s the ambition. Short entries, links, longer entries, even essays? Stay tuned.